Overcome Your Nerves Before You Hit Record

Have you been avoiding being on camera? You know you have a story to tell, but getting in front of a camera just feels overwhelming? This blog post is for you!

Why On-Camera Confidence Matters

Confidence is the key to feeling like yourself on camera. When you're confident on camera, you're not trying to be someone you're not; you're being yourself, and that authenticity is magnetic. Confidence is not the absence of nerves; it's how you manage them. Ultimately, confidence leads to a more comfortable experience for you on set, and a great final product on video. It transforms the dread of being filmed into a platform for connection.

It Is Possible: Tips for Building On-Camera Confidence

I'm here to assure you that not only is it possible, but it's also simpler than you think to be in front of a camera and authentically share your story. These tips apply whether you’re filming yourself on your phone for social media, or telling your story with a hired video team.

1. Choose your outfit and location ahead of time

Take decision fatigue off your plate for filming day by choosing your location and outfit in advance. Find a large space with plenty of light that reflects the tone of your story, and select an outfit that can coordinate with that setting. Helping clients determine location and wardrobe for their video is part of our preproduction process.

The types of clothes that work best on camera are tops that fit you well, not too tight or baggy. I usually go for solid color tops, and avoid tiny stripes or bold patterns, which might clash with the background. If you’ll be wearing a mic, you will need to wear a shirt that doesn’t make noise when you move around wearing it. A v neck or button down makes mic placement a little easier. I generally suggest avoiding shorts, even if you don’t think your legs will be in the shot.

2. Get your hair and makeup done

I wish I could shout it from the rooftops: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! (…or handsome, if you’re a guy reading this). Either way, there’s something so empowering about showing up to your filming day knowing you’ll look great, and not have to do anything except relax and enjoy. Our hair and makeup artists are present for your interview, and will monitor any sweat, fly away hairs, and running makeup in case things get emotional. This is a service we encourage all of our clients to do because of the huge confidence shift it makes.

3. Keep your sentences short

When you are on camera for an interview, my biggest tip is to keep your sentences short. Tell one thing, complete the thought, take a breath, and tell one more thing. Creating these natural pauses makes a huge difference in limiting rambling, and helps you appear much more confident on camera! Another benefit for your videographer is that it makes editing much easier, without needing as many chopped up clips together.

4. Remember your audience

Who are you talking to in your video? Having an understanding of who will be listening to your story will help you focus on how you want to tell it. I like to ask myself a few questions before creating a video. What do you want the viewer to feel or do when they are finished watching this video? What do they already know about you and your story? What are they curious about? What concepts need to be explained? What tone do you want this video to carry?

5. Find your trusted Storyteller

A huge part of building confidence in the video storytelling process is trusting the person behind the camera. You want someone you can trust to maintain the authenticity and heart of your story, so look for a storyteller who not only has technical expertise but also connects to you as a person and listens well. How do you feel when you’re around them? Your comfort and ability to feel seen and heard at this stage will pave the way for a great filming experience.

You can do it!

Remember, being on camera is a skill that can be developed over time. Don't be too hard on yourself if it feels daunting at first. With practice and by following these On-Camera Confidence Tips, you'll become more comfortable and confident in front of the camera.

And that awesome video team we mentioned earlier? We’d love for you to consider us! Let’s talk about how we can help you tell your story with confidence!


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